Bruising in children is a common phenomenon, and therefore rarely arouse anxiety of parents. However, one should know that some bruising on the child's body may be a symptom of serious diseases. When bruise in a child should get our attention?
Bruising in children, particularly in places such as legs or head, usually they are the result of hitting something hard. Children through its mobility are almost always exposed to some injuries. At the moment of impact there is a ruptured blood vessel and out of his blood is collected under the skin while the distractors. Hence the swelling and a red mark on the skin. Every day, the blood turns, so the bruise with a red gets purple, and in the final phase of green and yellow, would eventually disappear when the blood from the skin is completely absorbed.
Bruising a child: when they can bother?
Not always, however bruise arises from the impact, but then it is a sign that it may herald some disease. When bruises in a child can be a disturbing symptom and should be show the doctor?
Bruises that arose in strange places - those which have no connection with hitting a child, eg. On the feet, hands, shoulders or abdomen
Bruises that arise even when touched - if your child has seen a huge susceptibility to bruising
Bruises very painful - preventing the normal functioning
Bruises very extensive - inadequate to injury
The bruises that occur without trauma - appear in one moment and have no connection with strike
What may herald unreasonable bruises on a child?
There are many diseases which are characterized by subcutaneous injection nozzles or their tendency to frequent formation. At best this may be due to deficiency of vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
Excess bruises on the child most often cause blood disease or disorder in the structure of blood vessels (called. Fragility of blood). For the tendency to formation of bruises on the body can respond disease called haemophilia. This reduced blood clotting (or a bleeding disorder), for which a deficiency of blood clotting factor. Derivative bleeding disorder is von Willebrand disease, which means that the blood is devoid factor zlepiającego vessel wall. In her case it will also be a symptom of subcutaneous hemorrhages haemorrhages. Unreasonable bruises on the body can also be one of the symptoms (except fatigue and pallor) leukemia. This is the result of a shortage of blood platelets and too few red blood cells.
Sometimes bruising the child may also herald problems with your liver or kidneys. In the case of liver, unreasonable bruises are formed mainly on the legs and are accompanied by swelling.
Usually, however, the bruises are only one of many symptoms of the disease, the more important it is not to belittle them when the overall well-being of the child is not the best and report to the doctor for a complete list of observed disturbing symptoms.
Bruising in children, particularly in places such as legs or head, usually they are the result of hitting something hard. Children through its mobility are almost always exposed to some injuries. At the moment of impact there is a ruptured blood vessel and out of his blood is collected under the skin while the distractors. Hence the swelling and a red mark on the skin. Every day, the blood turns, so the bruise with a red gets purple, and in the final phase of green and yellow, would eventually disappear when the blood from the skin is completely absorbed.
Bruising a child: when they can bother?
Not always, however bruise arises from the impact, but then it is a sign that it may herald some disease. When bruises in a child can be a disturbing symptom and should be show the doctor?
Bruises that arose in strange places - those which have no connection with hitting a child, eg. On the feet, hands, shoulders or abdomen
Bruises that arise even when touched - if your child has seen a huge susceptibility to bruising
Bruises very painful - preventing the normal functioning
Bruises very extensive - inadequate to injury
The bruises that occur without trauma - appear in one moment and have no connection with strike
What may herald unreasonable bruises on a child?
There are many diseases which are characterized by subcutaneous injection nozzles or their tendency to frequent formation. At best this may be due to deficiency of vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
Excess bruises on the child most often cause blood disease or disorder in the structure of blood vessels (called. Fragility of blood). For the tendency to formation of bruises on the body can respond disease called haemophilia. This reduced blood clotting (or a bleeding disorder), for which a deficiency of blood clotting factor. Derivative bleeding disorder is von Willebrand disease, which means that the blood is devoid factor zlepiającego vessel wall. In her case it will also be a symptom of subcutaneous hemorrhages haemorrhages. Unreasonable bruises on the body can also be one of the symptoms (except fatigue and pallor) leukemia. This is the result of a shortage of blood platelets and too few red blood cells.
Sometimes bruising the child may also herald problems with your liver or kidneys. In the case of liver, unreasonable bruises are formed mainly on the legs and are accompanied by swelling.
Usually, however, the bruises are only one of many symptoms of the disease, the more important it is not to belittle them when the overall well-being of the child is not the best and report to the doctor for a complete list of observed disturbing symptoms.
The bruises on the child. When they can be a symptom of the disease?
Reviewed by Brunet

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